Level 3: LCD Setup


This page is for the manual setup of the LCD on a fresh install of Retropie. If you’re planning on building the whole Retropie image yourself rather than using the preconfigured version, start here.

LCD Install

1. at the command line type:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

2. comment out (add a ‘#’ symbol at the beginning of the line to comment out) dtparam=spi=on

3. comment out any dtoverlay or penirq lines (we’ll add in one new dtoverlay line later when we install the audio)

4. save the file and close

5. at the command line type:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

6. comment out line fbcp line

7. save the file and close

8. at the command line type:

cd ~

9. at the command line type:

git clone https://github.com/juj/fbcp-ili9341.git

10. at the command line type:

sudo apt-get install cmake

11. at the command line type:

cd fbcp-ili9341

12. at the command line type:

sudo nano st7735r.h

13. change the following line from 240 to 280


14. save the file and close

15. at the command line type:

sudo nano st7735r.cpp

16. change the following line from 320 to 300

SPI_TRANSFER(0x37/*VSCSAD: Vertical Scroll Start Address of RAM*/, 0, 320 - DISPLAY_WIDTH);

17. save the file and close

18. at the command line type:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

19. uncomment (remove the #) the following two lines of code


20. add the following new lines into the config.txt file:

hdmi_cvt=280 240 60 5

21. save the file and close out of it

22. at the command line type:

mkdir build
cd build
sudo nano /etc/rc.local

23. just before the exit line in that file type:

sudo /home/pi/fbcp-ili9341/build/fbcp-ili9341 &

24. Save the file and close

25. at the command line type:

sudo ./fbcp-ili9341

Congrats! After all these steps you should now be able to see your Zero Arcade LCD turn on and we can move on to the audio install.


Level 2: WIFI Setup


Level 4: Audio Setup