Circuit Boards: Soldering

Parts List


  • 240x280 1.69” Color TFT

  • 8 pin right angle header

Controller Board

  • SMD 10mm x 10mm 5 way switch

  • (5) 6mm x 6mm x 8mm Momentary Tactile Push Buttons

  • 2x5 10 Pin Straight Male Shrouded Header

Main Board

  • PCB Mount 8 Ohm 0.5W Speaker

  • Mini PAM8403 5v Audio Amplifier Board

  • 2x5 10 Pin Straight Male Shrouded Header

  • 2 pin Terminal Block Connector

  • 1uF 50V Capacitor

  • 0.033uF Polyester Film Capacitor

  • 220 Ohm Resistor

  • 150 Ohm Resistor

  • 10x20 Pin Double Row Straight Female Pin Header

  • 8 Pin Right Angle Header

  • (3) 2 Pin Male Headers

Assembly Instructions

LCD Soldering

Step 1: Placing Pins

  • Place the 8 pin header into position making sure the header connectors are located on the backside of the LCD screen.

Soldering Pin Header

Step 2: Solder Pin Header

  • Solder the pin header into place, making sure not to get soldering iron tip too close to the LCD screen.

Controller Soldering

Step 1: Align and Solder the Joystick

  • Make note of which 2 pins are futher away from the other 4 pins and make sure that aligns properly with the solder pads on the board.

  • Solder the 5 way joystick to the controller board, making sure solder flows between the pad and connectors on the joystick.

Step 2: Position and Solder Pushbuttons

  • Plug the Momentary Tactile Push Buttons into their locations on the board. It can be easier to get them in if you first straighten the pins a little with tweezers or pliers.

  • Solder the buttons into place.

Step 3: Position and Solder Shrouded Header

  • Place the 10 Pin Shrouded Header into position on the top of the board, making sure to align it so that the notch in the shroud matches the pattern shown on the underside of the board.

  • Solder the shrouded header into place.

Main Board Soldering

Step 1: Position 2 Pin Headers

  • Place the (3) 2 pin headers into position on the board as shown in the photo.

Step 2: Solder Pin Headers and Audio Amplifier

  • Position the Audio Amplifier as shown in the photo.

  • The right channel of the Audio Amplifier board does not need to be hooked up as this system only has a mono speaker.

  • Snip the excess pin header off the Audio Amplifier once soldered into place.

Step 3: Place 0.033uF Capacitor

  • The 0.033uF Polyester Film Capacitor is placed into position C1 on the board and it doesn’t matter which leg goes into which hole on the board.

Step 4: Place 1uF Capacitor

  • Place the 1uF 50V Capacitor into position C2 and unlike the other capacitor, make sure the longer leg of the capacitor goes into the hole marked with a + icon.

Step 5: Place 150 Ohm Resistor

  • Place the 150 Ohm Resistor into position on the board.

  • It doesn’t matter which direction you put the resistor into place.

Step 6: Place the 220 Ohm Resistor

  • Place the 220 Ohm Resistor into position on the board.

  • It doesn’t matter which direction you put the resistor into place.

Step 7: Solder Capacitors and Resistors

  • Solder all the Capacitors and Resistors into place.

  • Trim the excess wire from the components so they’re flush with the soldering.

Step 8: Solder 10 Pin Shrouded Header

  • Solder the 10 Pin Shrouded Header into position, making sure that the alignment of the header matches the diagram on the circuit board.

Step 9: Solder the 10x20 Pin Double Row Straight Female Pin Header

  • Solder the 40 pin header to the board and make sure you’re placing it on the correct side of the board.

Step 10: Solder Speaker

  • Solder the two pins of the speaker to the board.

  • It doesn’t really matter which pin goes in which hole.

Step 11: Solder 8 pin Right Angle Header

  • Solder the header to the board while making sure that you are placing it on the correct side of the board before soldering.

Step 12: Solder 2 pin Terminal Block Connector

  • Solder the terminal block where the wire inputs are facing the outside of the board.


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